Airport Taxi Zagreb a Zagreb

CroaziaAirport Taxi Zagreb



🕗 orari di apertura

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Martedìaperto 24 ore
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Giovedìaperto 24 ore
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Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
Miramarska cesta, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croacia
contatti telefono: +385 91 210 1144
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.805452, Longitude: 15.978679

commenti 5

  • en

    Filip Kramaric


    Don't waste your time with local taxi drivers. They will scam you. Call Uber.

  • Igor Dugandzic

    Igor Dugandzic


    If i stepped on a landmine, lost both of my legs and then landed on the second one and lost both of my arms as well i'd still rather walk (and by walk i mean wiggle) than use radio taxi and their services. If you're not from the city be ready to get scammed, most of them are rude and their driving is horrible. Do yourself a favor and order uber. If you can't get uber call any other taxi company just avoid these guys.

  • email abc

    email abc


    never take radio taxi zagreb. they will rip you off

  • ViktorHR



    Taksisti su smeće ljudsko, pišu same sebi recenzije a kad ti naplačuju vožnju moraš hipoteku podiči.Samo što te ne ovrše.Ne uzimajte Taxi ljudi!

  • Marin Medic

    Marin Medic


    While I am all for any business promotion, the reviews are are a joke - the taxi drivers themselves are writing them here. What you can expect is a wide variety of service: from excellent, to abysmal, as there is no system of review or responsibility for poor service.

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