Dvor -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

14, Put Firula, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 21 571 513
weboldal: www.facebook.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 43.5011463, Longitude: 16.4538807

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Mike Robertson


    Unbelievable. Stumbled in off the beach and had one of the best meals of my life. Service was superb: our waiter was charming and great at recommending beautiful local wines. Great experience all round.

  • en

    Jackson Donavon


    Amazing food, amazing service, amazing view. Only downfall is we couldn't see the sunset from where the restaurant was located. Overall, great dining experience and very friendly staff.

  • en

    Anita B


    I went there just for a coffee and it's superb! Didn't go inside but the front deck has an amazing view overlooking seaside. Beautiful😍 Also heard a lot about how people were satisfied with food there. Definitely worth of coming back for a dinner😉

  • Marco Pivetta

    Marco Pivetta


    Absolutely amazing! Went here after reading a lot of good reviews, and it is probably one of my favourite restaurants ever based on a single amazing experience. The staff cares about what they do, they know about their job and are extremely good at it. The food is elaborate, interesting, exquisite and I'd also add "surprising". For instance, what about this pic of a hot chocolate cake with black olives? Delicious, even with the strange combination of tastes! Price is fair if not low, service is awesome, staff is friendly, place is nice and cozy and right on the beach. Absolutely endorsed.

  • en

    Jin Young Park


    A beautiful restaurant that has outdoor terrace/dining area (roofed) with a seaside view. The restaurant is in a quiet local area away from the tourist part of town but not too far away. There are parking spaces by the tennis court down the road from the restaurant. The service was great-the waiter was very friendly and helped us choose a nice local white wine. I would be happy to go again.

legközelebbi Étterem

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