Horizon Resort apartment a Pula

CroaziaHorizon Resort apartment


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🕗 orari di apertura

11, Verudela, 52100, Pula, Općina Pula, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 52 213 949
sito web: www.arenaturist.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.8459566, Longitude: 13.8335966

commenti 5

  • andela cukusic

    andela cukusic


    This was the absolute worst accommodation that I have ever seen, and it should not be acceptable to rent rooms that are in these conditions even for a MUCH LOWER price than what they charged us. The whole time that I was staying here I felt uncomfortable and unsafe since balconies are easily accessible from the rooms next to yours, also the bathroom window opens towards the hall in front of the room. Everything is extremely dirty, rusty and old. There are bugs everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. The first night a bug woke me up by crawling over me. I cannot believe that anyone charges for this. Please think twice if you feel like booking. The beach is not bad, though its full of urchins, and not much good can be said about this place. I will be traumatised for years :/

  • L-[Ad-]



    Very good

  • en

    Tommy Markussen


    Poorly maintained, poorly clened. Smelly and rusty fridge. Centipedes appeared from the mostly clogged shower drain. No aircondition in the cheapest apartments. Sewer smell from a drain just outside our buildings entrance. Ants everywhere, luckily they sell alot of bugsprays etc at the store.... What a coinsidence. A family member had a premium apartment with aircondition and a lot more modern interior, would not consider anything else if you absolutely have to go here. The pool was ok, clean. There are several spots along the sea where you can swim in croatias clear water, but remember to buy bathingshoes as it is rocks only. Snorkling would probably be awesome here. Alot of stairs around the resort, not very wheelchair or babystroller friendly. We payed around 100€ a night here, extremely overpriced for what we got.

  • Zoltan Lorinczi

    Zoltan Lorinczi


    I spent a week here with my family and I'm very satisfied with the place. The apartment (AIDA) was well-equipped, the staff was kind and helpful, the beach was beautiful and clean. After swimming you can take a shower on the sea side: 5*! Parking the car was every day a challenge because the area is full with cars all day.

  • Tor Thorbergsen

    Tor Thorbergsen


    Two star apartments, four star price. Nice location though. Must pay extra for sunbeds and air conditioning.

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