Hotel Albin Dva Hotel a Zadar

CroaziaHotel Albin Dva Hotel



🕗 orari di apertura

22, Ulica Augusta Šenoe, 00385, Zadar, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 23 335 173
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.1303729, Longitude: 15.2185408

commenti 5

  • Ana Tadić

    Ana Tadić


  • andrej peterle

    andrej peterle



  • avi newman

    avi newman


    2014-06-12: Disclaimer: I usually stay in nicer hotels so I can't really compare this place to other hostels / guest houses. The best things about the room: + no bed bugs + great air conditioning I stayed in a standard double room. The room size was small but sufficient. It included a desk, two night stands, clothing cabinet, and a light switch right by the bed to turn off the lights at night. I disliked that there were still some bugs in the room. This could have been easily avoided if they had bothered to put screens on the windows. The drapes only block some of the light in the morning. I'm used to the ones in hotels that block ALL the light, allowing me to actually sleep in after a late night in Zadar's club scene. Finally, the top sheet on the bed was very rough and low quality. If they had gotten those three things right, it would have been worth the 70 Euro price tag. Breakfast was so-so: a decent selection of hot tea, coffee + fresh creamer, lemonade, apples, bananas, sliced bread, butter, jam, yogurt, slices of cheese, 3 kinds of sliced meat, and cold hard boiled eggs (meaning they were left-over from the previous day).

  • Hugo Ščepán

    Hugo Ščepán



  • de

    En Google-bruger


    Nett ruhig freunlich sauber..auch für Spätanreisen 01:00 uhr wie wir waren extra aufgestanden

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