Hotel Jadran a Šibenik

CroaziaHotel Jadran


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52, Obala doktor Franje Tuđmana, 22000, Šibenik, Općina Šibenik, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 22 454 488
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Latitude: 43.7347944, Longitude: 15.8898835

commenti 5

  • Viktória Czuppon

    Viktória Czuppon


    It is an old building but near to the see, 20 meters.. So, actually it is a great view from the terrace with kind staff!

  • en

    Igor Filko


    Middle of winter, no heat, wind running through windows, icecikles in bathroom. Probably great during summer. Great view, 20 meters to sea.

  • Rumen Pavlov

    Rumen Pavlov


    Old and interesting design. Spacious and beautiful room. Marvelous, very rich and diversiform breakfast with plenty of options even for picky kids. All staff members were helpful, and both our check-in and check-out were absolutely smooth. The bed in my room was super huge and comfortable, I loved it. In addition, our room proved to be super silent, we could sleep very well. The view from the window (2th floor) was very nice, direct to the see coast.

  • Slalomar xayoo

    Slalomar xayoo


    Really cold and dirty rooms, price is high, I dont reccommend this accommodation

  • Jonathan Ullmark

    Jonathan Ullmark


    Considering the cheaper price: The reception staff is very nice. The rooms are OK but could use some cleaning, especially the carpet. Didn't find many bugs at all. The beds are fine, and seemed hygienic enough. The breakfast is on the dull side, but not too important I guess. Maybe the biggest downside is the noise from neighbors and the restaurant next door. Bring ear plugs.

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