Hotel Jägerhorn a Zagreb

CroaziaHotel Jägerhorn



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Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
14, Ilica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 4833 877
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.81318, Longitude: 15.973731

commenti 5

  • Stefan et Annie PFLÜGER

    Stefan et Annie PFLÜGER


    Sehr gutes Hotel - ideal, zentral gelegen und doch sehr ruhig. Nettes Personal, sehr gutes Fruehstueck auf einer netten Terasse. Die Zimmer sind sauber und gut eingerichtet. unseres im zweiten Stock unterm Dach etwas klein. Kein Fahrstuhl aber das war fuer uns kein Problem.

  • Deane Gardner

    Deane Gardner


    We had very mixed feelings about our stay at the Jagerhorn, and would not visit again. The afternoon and evening desk staff were very pleasant and helpful. Breakfast was quite good. The creaky attic room we had needed a refresh of the carpeting, but much more troublesome was a complete lack of air conditioning. The window unit blew out a weak trickle of hot air. We tried to sleep with the single window wide open, but still it was over 25C in the room all night, even as we departed for our early morning flight, and very sticky-humid. We managed about three hours of sleep overnight with the rest of the time spent motionless, naked and sweating on top of the bed. The morning desk person did not seem surprised, seemed uninterested and offered no sympathy. No reason to go through this again, we'll look elsewhere next time.

  • Kyle Kabrick

    Kyle Kabrick


    A great, old, central city hotel. A beautiful hillside Cafe with a tree canopy full of singing birds to wake up to. Quiet, clean, delightful. The included breakfast and espresso was a plus!

  • Nelson Rocher

    Nelson Rocher


    Great location in the Center of the old town. Really good service and helpful people.

  • Klaudija Filipova

    Klaudija Filipova


    I haven´t been in the hotel, but I have tried a cup of coffee in the garden and It was really nice. The Cafe is located in the middle of the city, for instance I like mostly that the cafe is back in the yard, not in the crowd or in the hustle and bustle. The staff is friendly and warm, nice, chill and quite atmosphere.

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