Laundry room -

HorvátországLaundry room



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Ulica Petra Berislavića 14, 10000, Zagreb, Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 98 908 4631
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.810562, Longitude: 15.9752756

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Elda Glover


    Very clean, helpful lady, we dropped cloths and she washed and folded the cloths beautifully. Would definitely recommend her. It is very clean. You can also wash and dry cloths yourself but for very little more, why not drop off, go exploring this beautiful city and pick up later.

  • en

    Giuseppe Rossi


    Super place, very clean, free WiFi, machines are modern, large and efficient, cloths came out from laundry machine smelling fantastic. Also for extra 20 Kn you can drop off laundry an a very nice lady will wash them for you if you don’t have time to wait. Price was also very reasonable 50 kn wash & dryer, also price included detergent, washing machine dispenses detergent automatically, only place clothing, put coins and that’s it. I highly recommend this place.

  • Victor Chau

    Victor Chau


    Pros: Great dryer. Powerful. Nice and empty. Clean place. Washers inject detergent /softener on its own. Cons: Not many machines (4 washers/4 dryers), coin machine spits only tokens so it's inconvenient.

  • Rilke Crane

    Rilke Crane


    Great, clean spot! It cost 50 kuna (about $8) to wash and dry, and the machines took under an hour. They also supply all detergents and can accommodate large loads of laundry. They offer a drop-off service (20 Kuna) but I didn't take advantage of it. They have music and kids toys if you want to wait, or cafes and a park nearby if you want to walk around. Highly recommended!

  • Fahad Alsw

    Fahad Alsw


    Sieht schick aus. 1mal washen und Trocknen hat 50 Kn gekostet

legközelebbi Mosoda

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