M.A.C.K. Car Hire & Elite Travel | Downtown Zagreb a Zagreb

CroaziaM.A.C.K. Car Hire & Elite Travel | Downtown Zagreb



🕗 orari di apertura

Zagreb Downtown | Jurišićeva 30, 10000, Zagreb, Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 99 446 6886
sito web: www.rent-a-car.hr
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.8121163, Longitude: 15.9831715

commenti 5

  • en

    Luka Piplović


    Professional and reliable. Very polite. I was in a last minute need of a vehicle and was accomodated in Zagreb with an excellent service all the way to the drop off in Split where everything went without a hitch. Top rental firm so far in my country I've seen so far. Cars are luxurious,clean and well maintained.

  • Dimitrij Ivanenko

    Dimitrij Ivanenko


    We have relatives in Croatia and we go to visit them at least once in a year and we extend there for a holiday. We are using M.A.C.K.'s services now for fully 4 years, after we had inconvenient situation with worldwide known brand, not worth mentioning. Usually we start in Zagreb and all way to Dubrovnik. Excelent service, helpful and reliable stuff in each office. Great cars! See you soon again.

  • en

    Chris Wright


    Nice cars and actual rental cost was reasonable but take LOTS of pics before you take the vehicle. Including underneath. Also make sure car is washed before you take it to make sure they aren't hiding scratches, they will go over it with a magnifying glass upon return. Even tried to pass off a bug spatter on front as damage. Was charged an outrageous amount (950 Euros)for a couple scratches UNDER bumper and door that were not noticed when first taken off lot. Just be sure to take many pics for proof upon return.

  • en

    Tristan Wang


    Everything goes smoothly during the entire process as well as all details are clearly addressed. The service office is right next to the main square, which can be very handy. Most importantly, the manager provides fantastic service with her thoughtful assistance and also professional attitude. It is recommended very much when you are in Croatia.

  • Mohamed Seif

    Mohamed Seif


    A great place to deal with. Very helpful, prices are very reasonable, and great service. Better contact them directly before the trip, or in the airport, or in Zagreb downtown. They also have offices everywhere to deliver your car to. 100% go for it

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