Plastic Surgery Tončić | Polyclinic -

HorvátországPlastic Surgery Tončić | Polyclinic



🕗 Nyitva tartás

159, Mlinovi ulica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 4618 888
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.853142, Longitude: 15.957899

hozzászólások 5

  • bs

    Juraj Krajić


    Tončići su me riješili mog velikog problema i dugogodišnjeg kompleksa od klempavih ušiju! Veliki stručnjaci, veliki profesionalci. Oporavak brz i bezbolan, a rezultati savršeni. Hvala vam!

  • hr

    Ante Bandić


    Dr. Dinko ali i cila ekipa, veliko hvala :)

  • hr

    Marina Rikic


    Polikliniku dr.Toncic preporucila bih zaista svakome tko razmislja o operaciji nosa! Operirala sam grbicu na nosu kod dr. Dinka prije skoro 2 godine i mogu reci da je to bila jedna od najboljih odluka u mom zivotu, sto po pitanju kvalitete rezultata, sto po pitanju izbora pravog kirurga. Dr Dinko je iznimno strucan, strpljiv, topao te zainteresiran za pacijenta i njegove zelje i ocekivanja, bas kao i ostatak osoblja koje mi je citav proces ucinilo jos ugodnijim. Brzo, bezbolno i za svaku preporuku.

  • en

    ivana rako


    Dinko Tončić je obavio operaciju nosa koju nije trebalo obaviti što su mi kasnije potvrdili drugi doktori kod kojih sam išla na pregled za reviziju. Rekli su da imam kratku kost i da se tu ništa nije smjelo radit, a pogotovo ne spuštati hrbat nosa što je dotični napravio iako to nije bio dogovor. Dogovor je bio da nos bude ravan, a meni ga je udubio i to između očiju što se nikada ne radi. Naglasila sam da ne želim udubljen. Za mene doktor nije etičan ni moralan jer nije odbio nepotrebnu operaciju što su potvrdili drugi, stručniji doktori. Moj nos je veći nego prije operacije, pun deformacija: inverted v, pollybeak i kolaps valvule. Osim toga, doktor ne priznaje pogrešku već tvrdi da je sve tehnički dobro napravljeno, postoperativne brige nema, ne izdaje račun. Uništio mi je život i izgled, izbjegavati u širokom luku. Također, sve ove deformacije mogu dokazati nalazima ostalih doktora. Stay away from this clinic if you don't want to end up with deformed nose. Doctor Dinko Tončić costed me money, time and clinical depression. Trust me, he doesn't know his job and all of his noses end up with at least pollybeak deformity. My deformities are documented and can be proved. State lontano da questa clinica se non vuoi finire con il naso deformato. Il dottor Dinko Tončić mi ha costato denaro, tempo e depressione clinica. Fidati di me, non conosce il suo lavoro e tutti i suoi nasi finiscono con almeno la deformità pollybeak.Le mie deformità sono documentate e possono essere dimostrate.

  • en



    CAUTION!!! STEER CLEAR. Dr Toncic destroyed my nose, I am still traumatised at how they butcheted my nose. Both Dr Toncic senior & junior told me there was no cartilage in my nose to build a strut to lift the droopy tip of my nose, they told me they had a 'special technique' whereby they took cartilage from behind my ear (which was extremely painful) and placed in the tip of my nose. They took too much cartilage from one side of the nose which left a huge indentation.My nose ended up looking horrific, a lot worse than before the operation. After the operation there was minimal post operative care and they failed to communicate with me in a timely manner. After many emails and complaints they eventually did, I explained the issues and all the Dr on a Skype call and he clearly has sent listening he kept saying he thought it looked "nice". It took a lot time to get my post operative notes to hand to surgeons In the UK as I needed a revision, their post op notes were so vague! I have since had a revision rhinoplasty here in the UK with leading surgeon Dr Julian Rowe Jones and he was shocked at how Dr Toncic operated on my nose and it took him under 3 hours to correct, he reported my revision rhinoplasty to be "extremely complex" , he discarded of the ear cartilage and said there was plenty of cartilage existing within my nose that could have been used and couldn't understand their rationale for taking it from my ear! He also commented that this ear cartilage was folded over and wasn't shaped and thus created a bulky looking nose tip. To think they operated on a part of my body by taking cartilage from my ear when it wasn't necessary, having cartilage taken from behind my ear was incredibly painful for 3 weeks, this cartilage was dumped in the bin it was a totally inappropriate thing to have done, not to mention my nose looked WORSE post operation! The entire ordeal cost me so much financially but more over it cost me my mental health for many months. I had seen Dr Toncic 12 months before my wedding, what should have been the happiest time of my life instead I was left traumiatised, depressed and anxious as they had butchered my nose. Dr Toncic has failed to apologise for their botched work and I will never forgive them for what they did and how they treated me post operation, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. I would not advise anyone to get involved with them. Steer clear!

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