Sixt Rent a Car - Dubrovnik/Hotel Rixos a Dubrovnik

CroaziaSixt Rent a Car - Dubrovnik/Hotel Rixos



🕗 orari di apertura

3, Liechtensteinov put, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 95 438 2417
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.6453965, Longitude: 18.0910108

commenti 5

  • Nathan Brown

    Nathan Brown


    Do not rent with this branch of Sixt. The quoted price I received online was 79 Euros. We ended up paying 400 Euros. If you choose to use your own insurance, rather than accepting Sixt coverage, this branch forces you to cover a deposit of nearly 3000 Euros on your credit card. This amount remains on your account for 10 days. For each level of insurance coverage, there are different deposit amounts -- a coercive policy I have never encountered anywhere in Europe or at other agencies in Croatia. Even the lowest deposit is still 800 Euros. Insurance more than triples the amount of the rental. Then you are charged VAT on top of that amount.

  • Emma Lo

    Emma Lo


    Renting a car here was surprisingly hassle-free compared with the US. We enjoyed the car and had really no issues with the pickup or drop off. We almost couldn't believe how friendly they were since we have had such bad experiences in the US! The agent was very informative and gave us a free upgrade to a BMW! They didn't try to push us to pay for extras (though offered them) and the process seemed streamlined and fair. Would definitely rent there again! Also was easy to extend by one day at basically the same price per day so their flexibility was much appreciated!

  • Ramon Oertli

    Ramon Oertli


    Hat viel Potential die Effizienz zu steigern

  • de

    Felix Hähnchen


    Lange Wartezeit gegen 09:00 Uhr. Man muss sich selbst beim abgeben eines Fahrzeugs in die Schlange vor dem Büro stellen... .

  • de

    Thomas Schmidt


    Übergabe des Wagens problemlos ohne Wartezeit. Fahrzeug wie reserviert erhalten.

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