Sixt Rent a Car - Pula a Pula

CroaziaSixt Rent a Car - Pula



🕗 orari di apertura

17, Verudela, 52100, Pula, Općina Pula, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 52 555 765
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.8364422, Longitude: 13.8391652

commenti 5

  • hr

    Filip Grmusa


    Ispunjavanje želja na profesionalnoj razini, karizmatično osoblje i bez previše kompliciranja. Čak vas i pošalju u dobre restorane ako putujete na dulje relacije. Auti su čisti i mirišljavi. Zna vas i dočekati čokoladica pri ulasku u vozilo kao poklon. :)

  • Hatem Mousselly Sergieh

    Hatem Mousselly Sergieh


    Freundliches Personal. English ist kein Problem.

  • Charlotte Bloomer

    Charlotte Bloomer


    Like any car hire company these guys are criminals, however not as bad as others therefore I recommend.

  • TANDA.trips



    Very friendly staff and great prices. Would decisively recommend this location and service

  • Will Jenkins

    Will Jenkins


    Unfortunately, this Sixt office is very far away from anything...unless you're docking at the marina or staying in the large hotel next to it. One we arrived (and found the 4m x 4m office), Patrick at the desk welcomed us. The security for the hotel area was not so welcoming, asking us what we were doing there. Anyway, Patrick was new to the job so he asked his boss to come help. I wish I could remember the guy's name. Long story short, he tried to intimidate us into buying their extra insurance. His exact words were 'hopefully you don't rear end a BMW 7 series but if you do, the police will swipe your credit card for 130,000 euros'. They also tacked on a $25 international fee, even though I had selected this option online and paid it. Lastly, they fail to mention online the ~$1000 hold they put on your credit card until you return the car. On the plus side, the Fiat 500 was clean and new. We returned it in Dubrovnik after visiting Mostar in Bosnia. Message me with any questions.

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