Solaris Camping Beach Resort -

HorvátországSolaris Camping Beach Resort



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
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Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
Hoteli Solaris 86, 22000, Šibenik, Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 22 361 017
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 43.698845, Longitude: 15.878027

hozzászólások 5

  • TRe' CooL

    TRe' CooL


    The location/entrance Google is showing, is off. Go to mobile homes location! Very good camp store, they got everithing. The B zone/unparcelasied zone is 90% covered with allredy set rent tents. Beach's got a few trees. Showers have hair driers. The olny downside that I can think off is the prize.

  • George Glavas

    George Glavas


    The most amazing camping I ever been. Thanksvery much the owner vision, the administration managment and the employies effort to keep the place up to this standarts

  • Judith Vajda

    Judith Vajda


    The mobile homes are not have private space at the second row, in front of your terrace there is the first row house toilet window....when you have breakfast.... You can imagine... There is no bakery just the super market. The view is beautiful at sunrise. You can take a long walk at the coast, this is a good programme.

  • A Logotype

    A Logotype


    Very clean and cosy mobile homes, two bedrooms and two bathrooms, small terrace, kitchen and dining room. You can park your car next to your house. Good place to be. Only problem is to find your home for the first time, number order is a little confused.

  • jelena jadzic

    jelena jadzic


    Very nice beach and beach resort! It has all that is required. From 4 or 5 star hotels with polls to bars, pubs, aqua park and mini golf for children. It has open access showers as well. The prices could be considered a little high for Croatian population but it is affordable. There is some parking space that cost some money but not much. Nice for families and teenagers.

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