SPAR a Zagreb




🕗 orari di apertura

6, Trg žrtava fašizma, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 5999 062
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.8102751, Longitude: 15.9880827

commenti 5

  • en

    Iva Kesic


    Good selection of products and helpfull staff. On the other side serious problems with fresh produce - if you're buying packed fruits and vegetables check twice. Even if the expiration date is valid check again cause I ended up with rotten produce more times I like to remember. Eventually I just stopped buying fresh produce there. Also, milk isn't stored properly - the packaging is always inflated and I've seen it more than once lying on the cart outside od the fridge. I went today again cause other neighborhood stores around don't have vanilla and the smell in the store was terrible, like someting went seriously bad, especially in the dairy aisle. My reccomendation is not to buy anything that needs specific storage conditions.

  • en



    Good selection for a small shop

  • Robert Steiner

    Robert Steiner


    A very nicely decorated store with most everyday groceries and then some.

  • Neno Eror

    Neno Eror


    No variety of products which are usually found in any store.... crowded and only one cashier works while half of the employes fill shelves and make even more crowd... and they fill up shelves constantly yet i could not find 4 out of 5 common items usually found in any store....

  • Niksa Luksic

    Niksa Luksic


    Poorly organised cramped space. Only one cashier working. Dirty appearance.

Drogheria o supermercato più vicina

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