The Orthodox Church of St. Sava -

HorvátországThe Orthodox Church of St. Sava


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Narodni trg, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 43.5094135, Longitude: 16.4379904

hozzászólások 5

  • Dusan R

    Dusan R


  • Boris Matovic

    Boris Matovic


  • Aa Aan

    Aa Aan


  • Predrag Popovic

    Predrag Popovic


    The Temple of Saint Sava Serbian in Split is a temple-martyr ( from 1937 year) His construction began in 1937 and to this day it has not yet been completed. Before World War II, walls of eight meters were erected, and there was concern. It's so today. Various states and authorities have been replaced, but the temple of St. Sava is unfinished due to the lack of political will and Christian love as an open Serbian wound in the center of Split - the Bishop of Dalmatian Photia told "Novosti". What is the fate of the remaining Serbs living in the capital of Dalmatia today? A roof is waiting at the Church of St. Sava and the return of the expelled. Stresses it will disappear forever In the population census in Split, there are 4,140 Serbs in the statistics, while according to Jovičić, there are around 12,000 people in the capital of Dalmatia today. The difference in the number of Serbs is made by living people in the lists of missing, emigrated, refugee, expelled and killed. In addition, there is no pressure on Serbs to move to Split. They write slogans like "Serbs on the Willows" and threaten the beatings. The members of the Serbian National Minority Council were attacked in their premises when a group of younger people from Split splashed and smashed inventory after a match of Croatian and Serbian handball teams. The Serbs of the proud youngsters most often attack during the celebration of the Holy Sava and other Orthodox holidays. Often we have provocations and attacks on our faithful and holy people, printed ugly graffiti and burglaries in Serbian premises. After these attacks, there remains evil and desolation. In such an atmosphere, many of our people in Split must not declare themselves as Serbs. So from SPC, we are especially difficult to come to the Serbs in the city of Split. They still can not receive priests into their apartments, because they still live in fear. Since most elderly people live in Split, unfortunately, we have the funeral in the parish, and very few baptisms and weddings. We hope that this will change with the return of younger people with families - believes the bishop of Photia, who is convinced that the completion of the temple will spiritually liberate and gather all the Serbs in Split. All of us are tired of war and war rhetoric here. People cry for peace and normal life. That's what the Serbs need in Split and throughout Dalmatia. It will take a long time to normalize everything. We must hope and do everything on this, as the Church, as well as the competent institutions of Croatia and our home country of Serbia - says the Bishop of Dalmatian - Fotije

  • Zlatko Leko

    Zlatko Leko


    Mjesto gdje se mole pravoslavni vjernici.

legközelebbi Templom

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