Valter Restaurant and Tennis - Restoran Pula a Pula

CroaziaValter Restaurant and Tennis - Restoran Pula



🕗 orari di apertura

Lungomare, 52100, Pula, Općina Pula, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 52 387 589
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.856441, Longitude: 13.827218

commenti 5

  • milan zmak

    milan zmak


    Nice tennis courts and restaurant

  • Edin Basic

    Edin Basic


    good food, not expensive, good place

  • Alexander Romanov

    Alexander Romanov


    My fiancé and I dined here after swimming at the local beach nearby. The sunset was lovely and we started out by sitting indoors where supposedly smoking is not allowed. However, there were some folks who were smoking and it bothered us so we moved outside to the patio. Unfortunately smoking is relatively unavoidable at restaurants in Croatia so it's just something you have to get used to. Our server was very nice and the food came out in a timely manner. We started off with the fish soup, which was absolutely awful. It tasted like packaged Ramen noodles and was far too salty, I couldn't even eat it. I ordered the Ahi steak which was again too salty. My fiancé ordered the Risotto with shrimps and mushrooms and that dish had a great flavor, however, the rice was a bit undercooked. However, this seems to be a regional thing as all of the restaurants we have dined at in Croatia cook the rice this way. Overall, it was not terrible but it was not great. I wouldn't return.

  • Erika Balogh

    Erika Balogh


    A really unpolite and not speaking english or german staff. It was a shocked how we were served here! even in local shop is more better in serve like here! If I could I would give a minus star!

  • en

    Sonali Sharma


    Went their for dinner... staff is very friendly, however food is average and forgettable. Two main dishes with two beers will set you back by €36.

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