Vukovar Water Tower a Vukovar

CroaziaVukovar Water Tower



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Martedìaperto 24 ore
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Giovedìaperto 24 ore
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Domenicaaperto 24 ore
1, Ulica Najpar Bašče, 32000, Vukovar, Općina Vukovar, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.3440072, Longitude: 19.0122917

commenti 5

  • Mate Rodić

    Mate Rodić


    Most iconic sight of Vukovar. Old tower built in 1968. It is 50 meters high and has volume of 2200 cubic meters. It was bombarded and destroyed in 1991 in fight for Vukovar by Serbian army. Even after war the tower still proudly stands as simbol of all people of Vukovar.

  • Miljenko Ugarkovic

    Miljenko Ugarkovic


    It's a water tower. Architecturally, obviously the early second half of 20th century. You can walk around it. You can't go into it. If you're in Vukovar, you should have your picture taken with it, because, damaged but still standing, it is the symbol of the resistance during the 1991 siege. Otherwise, it's a water tower. What's there to review?

  • Tomislav Vargek

    Tomislav Vargek


    A must see war landmark, impressive.

  • Zlatan Olić

    Zlatan Olić


    18 November is Remembrance Day of Vukovar sacrifice in 1991, the tribute to all the participants of the defence of Vukovar, the symbol of the Croatian freedom. Vukovar water tower was built in 1968. With height of 50.33 m and capacity of 2200 m3 it was one of the largest facilities of its type in Europe. Until the beginning of the war, there was a restaurant with a panoramic view of Vukovar,Danube and Syrmia. During the Serbian aggression it was one of the most common target for enemy artillery receiving more than 600 hits. Now it is the monument of the Croatian War of Independence.

  • en

    Magdalena W.


    Currently undergoing renovation. A monument to heroic battle of the Vukovar citizens during the 1991 siege. Moving.

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