Ana's Studio a Dubrovnik

CroaziaAna's Studio


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🕗 orari di apertura

5, Ulica U Pilama, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 20 416 515
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.6419224, Longitude: 18.1050637

commenti 5

  • en

    Pamela Srour


    Highly recommend!

  • Brooke Nisbet

    Brooke Nisbet


    They staff was kind and professional. Got shellac toenail polish for the first time and love it! I would recommend a visit to Anna's studio as a nice way to get away from the touristy crowds. Plus they just do a really great job (I got a manicure and pedicure.)

  • en

    Juha Kemppi


    Quite OK, excellent prizes.

  • Anamaria Lukenda-Shringarpure

    Anamaria Lukenda-Shringarpure


    My wedding was nearly 6 months ago, so this review is waaay overdue. When I look back at all the photos and videos, I long for the hair and make-up I had that day. Besides the great work done by Antonio (hair), Ana (make-up), and Rajka (nails), I truly enjoyed the time I spent there - those guys really know how to have fun time at work. During the "try-out", the entire team listened to my wishes, while still giving their professional advice. On the wedding day, the atmosphere in the salon was so relaxing that I nearly forgot I was getting married and I rather enjoyed my last few moments of being single. Oh, even the torrential rain and wind that day was not able to mess up their work - I have no idea how they were able to fix everything. Thank you all.

  • jenbaran



    My eyebrows looked terrible. I walked in. Was greeted with smiles and told to come back in 15 minutes. When I returned, I got them plucked and colored for about 60 kuna. Very well done. The salon offers a range of services. If I had time, I'd definitely go back and get pampered.

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