
🕗 orari di apertura

6, Alješijina ulica, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 21 347 452
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 43.5075225, Longitude: 16.4393603

commenti 2

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  • Antonjeta blagaić

    Antonjeta blagaić


    Matt Boes , Dresden ,Deutchland Antonjeta arranged for us (couple with 3-year-old child) to be picked up from the airport (for a really good price) and brought to the edge of the palace in the center of the old town of Split, as it is pedestrian only. She was waiting there for us with her husband, and they carried our luggage from the car all the way to the apartment. This apartment is special-very good WiFi, a very nice flat screen TV, and two amazing windows out to the harbor that provide the best view we've ever seen. The kitchen is very well equipped, and the bathroom as well. The air conditioning is very good, and the window shades make the apartment very dark in the morning (good if you want to sleep in). The windows are sealed for noise as well, which helps in the evening. And the location is spectacular. We spent 9 days there, and wandered the palace barefoot at night on the smooth old Roman stones, which our 3-year-old loved. There is no better location in the palace to have an apartment-it is far enough away from the crazy tourism to be quiet, and close enough that you are in the Peristyle of the palace in 1 minute. There are supermarkets close by open until midnight 7 days a week as well. Antonjeta was always available for questions, as she lives across the hall. She even made us a nice dinner the night before we left, and we had the feeling she really enjoyed having us. We thought 9 days was too many when we first booked, but there is so much to do there that we are planning on coming back to continue checking items off our list. One of the great things about staying in the palace is that the harbor is right there, so you can just walk there and get on a boat if you like. The bus station is also nearby. We can't recommend it enough. June 2014

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