Archaeological Museum in Zagreb -

HorvátországArchaeological Museum in Zagreb



🕗 Nyitva tartás

19, Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog, 10000, Zagreb, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 4873 101
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8109162, Longitude: 15.9773144

hozzászólások 5

  • Irena Jakic

    Irena Jakic


    Nice place, rather noisy, cosy and eventful. There are trees, so nice shade and smell during spring/summer time. (Saturdays are crowded with people with little kids due to place for play.)

  • en

    Jodi A


    Very informative through the ages. Egyptian part is the best. Note not all info is in English but there is printed docs

  • Sergio Fernández Bueno

    Sergio Fernández Bueno


    Buen Museo frente a un bonito parque. No es muy grande pero sí es variado, ya que hay varias secciones de cerámica griega, monedas, esculturas griegas y romanas, objetos egipcios, incluyendo joyas y sarcófagos. Es una visita interesante en Zagreb

  • Scott Sterling

    Scott Sterling


    This place was great. It wasn't crowded at all and was pretty quiet. The museum isn't huge and could probably be seem in about 2 hours. I was running late on my last day of sight seeing so only had an hour. Everything was nicely displayed and well organized. Most of the signs were in Croatian but newer ones were written in English. If I had to guess, more and more signs will be in English as they update things. The highlight for me was the Etruscan scroll. Very cool and one of a kind.

  • Amos Elroy

    Amos Elroy


    Quite an impressive collection of pre-historic, Egyptian, and Roman exhibits (complete with an actual living mummy - well, not living, but real). The item description place could use improvement, and though most have an English version, not all of them do. The descriptions lack the explanation and stories that make the artifacts interesting. Try to arrange for a tour of the museum a head of time so you don't miss on the importance and interesting details that are easily missed otherwise.

legközelebbi Múzeum

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