Auto Benussi a Pula

CroaziaAuto Benussi



🕗 orari di apertura

2, Industrijska ulica, 52100, Pula, Općina Pula, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 52 385 888
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.886329, Longitude: 13.858342

commenti 5

  • Zeljko Devald

    Zeljko Devald


    Auto servis in Pula ales ok.

  • Petr Vodvarka

    Petr Vodvarka


    Just dropped off our Mazda we hired in Split. Drop off was nice and easy and Sasa gave us a lift to the city centre afterwards. Great service! Hvala/Thank you :)

  • en

    Eimantas Songaila


    Great place to change tires in pula, personal speaks english language.

  • en

    stjepan mrakovic


    Top servis!!! The best rent a car.

  • Aidan Gannon

    Aidan Gannon


    Enterprise (run by Auto Benussi d.o.o. in Croatia) is absolutely terrible. Do not rent from them. They would not accept my credit card insurance without charging my credit card $5,951 Canadian ($30,000 Kuna). My credit card wouldn’t accept a charge that large, so they wouldn’t release the car to me without buying their insurance. This insurance cost an extra $302 Canadian ($1,487 Kuna). Then they still charged me $2,952 Canadian ($15,000 Kuna) as a security deposit. This wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the booking and certainly would have changed my mind about using Enterprise. The staff at the Split airport were absolutely terrible. When I complained about these outrageous charges the guy just gave me a blank stare and told me he wouldn’t rent the vehicle unless I paid the money. Then his buddy went on a rant about how Americans can’t drive standard (even though I’m not American). All the extra charges maxed out my primary credit card and created lots of difficulty for the rest of the vacation. To make matters worse, the tank was empty and the highway out of the airport was in construction gridlock. We ended up having to roam our cell phone (which is expensive in Croatia) to find a gas station and not stall out on the highway. When I complained to their customer service about the terrible service, they were completely indifferent.

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