Dollar Thrifty Rent A Car Rijeka i Rijeka

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KroatienDollar Thrifty Rent A Car Rijeka



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1, Žabica, 51000, Rijeka, Općina Rijeka, HR Kroatien
kontakter telefon: +385 51 325 900
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.327843, Longitude: 14.436939

kommentar 5

  • hr

    Marijana Jusup


    Zadovoljni smo uslugom i cijenom. Vozilo je bilo u odlicnom stanju. Djelatnici ljubazni.

  • en

    Tatjana Pokupec Bozic


  • es

    Katarina Novosel


    Don't rent a car from this company!!! Picking it up in Rijeka and dropping it off in Zagreb they wanted to charge us another 500€ (apart from 500€ for a week) for a flat tire and a little scratch!!! In the end we payed 300€ but they are PIRATES WATCH OUT!!! Nemojte iznajmljivati auto od ove tvrtke!!! Pokupili smo auto u Rijeci i ostavili auto u Zagrebu. Nakon sto smo platili 500€ za tjedan dana htjeli su da platimo 500€ za probusenu gumu i malu ogrebotinu. Na kraju smo platili 300€ ali to je bila potpuna prijevara!!!! PAZITE! No alquiléis el coche con esta compañía!!! Lo recogimos en Rijeka y dejamos en Zagreb. Después que una semana nos costó 500€ también nos querían cobrar por una rueda que se nos pincho y un rasguño. Al final pagamos 300€ pero nos engañaron!!! CUIDADO!!!

  • Felix Dalldorf

    Felix Dalldorf


    Hard to find. Inside bus station to the right. You may have to wait for the car to be driven from the airport but received personal service.

  • en

    Cudna Vala


    We rented a small but new and in perfect condition Aygo which took the 2 of us along the A1 highway without any problem .The pick up and drop off were easy and we didn t have to wash the car at the end of the tour.We really recommend this agency

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