Franjo Tuđman Airport Zagreb -

HorvátországFranjo Tuđman Airport Zagreb



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira, 10150, Zagreb, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 4562 170
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.7407504, Longitude: 16.0674366

hozzászólások 5

  • Philip Baker

    Philip Baker


    "GREAT ARCHITECTURE" It's a really nice fresh place, with lots of open space and very airy, not very busy. All in all a nice experience, which is strange for an airport.

  • en

    Al Miller


    Wow some rediculuss reviews. Very modern (2017) clean and quite. Was there 3 times this month on vacation. Lacking food in domestic but international section great. Vancouver/Canada 06/12/2018

  • en

    Ian Melamud


    It seems like the only thing the terminal planners though about was the architecture. It's nice, especially the roof. Everything else is really bad, even though I rarely expect airports to be a nice place to be, this one really let me down. Yes, the border control checks were fast, but that's because there are so few flights landing here. The list of rent-a-car agencies is impressive but they all are crammed into a very small area, so each has only 1 person to work with the customers. You can get stuck for an hour just to pick up your car. On the way out, they have 1 shop selling booze, tobacco and low-quality sweets and a canteen with nothing likable on the menu. The lounge is a joke. It's ridiculously small with no real food on the offer and no showers. Oh, and only the washrooms for one person at a time, meaning you'll have to wait in a long line to have a pee! On the bright side, this is the only airport in former Yugoslavia with direct flights from Canada.

  • en

    Damir Hrastovic


    One star because this is minimum I can give. Reason is very simple: there is no smoking aquarium for smokers. I am paying for airport services so I am expecting full service and in this question. Also I want to encourage all other smokers to start giving minimum or negative review for all airports which are making us crazy during waiting times without cigarette.

  • Michael Stimpson

    Michael Stimpson


    Really lovely airport, breeze through check in and security, this is how I like to travel. However, the reason for this, as another reviewer mentioned, is that there are so few connections. At the old airport I could fly direct to London for £120 return, now finding it difficult to find flights, having to transfer in Germany and paying through the nose. The landing fees must be super high and that's what's keeping low cost airlines away.

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