Hairdressing and Nail studio Gloriosus -

HorvátországHairdressing and Nail studio Gloriosus



🕗 Nyitva tartás

4, Cosmijeva ulica, 21000, Split, Općina Split, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 21 535 017
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 43.509566, Longitude: 16.4389697

hozzászólások 5

  • Nadine Härri

    Nadine Härri


    Definitely recommend the pedi or mani with shellac, the mani with normal polish not so much.

  • Erika Taylor

    Erika Taylor


    Just had my hair cut there. It started off great with an amazing head massage during the shampoo. She asked me what I wanted (which was a plain trim) and it seemed to be going fine until she feathered it. When she finished the front of my hair was longer than the rest so she was kind enough to fix it but she literally just chopped off the front without measuring it comparison to the other side. Now my hair is super uneven everywhere and one side is noticeably shorter than the other side.

  • Thalita Salzmann

    Thalita Salzmann


    Very friendly staff! I straightened my hair with steam iron and got a manicure done. Very professional and fast service! Ich empfehle den saloon, wärmstens. Im herzen der Altstadt. Habe spontan einen Termin gekriegt. Haare gestreckt und manicure mit shellac gemacht. Super preis!

  • en

    Jordan King


    This salon is the best in Split without a doubt. The ladies working there are so compassionate, welcoming, and professional. I received top quality care and amazing hair results that match top salons in the USA. My hair feels great, look awesome, and the color is perfect to what I wanted. I even got a magnetic gel manicure that is flawless. All very very affordable compared to salon prices in the states. I cannot rave enough about this salon and how great it is. Do yourself a favor and stop by while you’re in Split to pamper yourself because you will not be sorry. 🙌❤️

  • Jordan King

    Jordan King


    This salon is the best in Split without a doubt. The ladies working there are so compassionate, welcoming, and professional. I received top quality care and amazing hair results that match top salons in the USA. My hair feels great, look awesome, and the color is perfect to what I wanted. I even got a magnetic gel manicure that is flawless. All very very affordable compared to salon prices in the states. I cannot rave enough about this salon and how great it is. Do yourself a favor and stop by while you’re in Split to pamper yourself because you will not be sorry. 🙌❤️

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