Hertz a Zagreb




🕗 orari di apertura

21, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira, 10150, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 4562 635
sito web: www.hertz.hr
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.7410143, Longitude: 16.0802111

commenti 5

  • Kevin Wu

    Kevin Wu


    How come you guys charge differently with the contract i premade online?? asking for a higher additional amount of insurance, and when i showed the contract copy, starts to talk in Croatian and later corrected the offer price to me. It has been done like several time, and luckily this time i carried the contract from hertz online website. Returning the car, the invoice was not sent in mail as told, 2 days passed no invoice received yet. wft????

  • hr

    Robert Kostanjevac


    Renta-car profesionalni i ljubazni

  • en

    hugo kong


    Do not use this company. Do not use this company. 1. I booked for a Automatic Transmission van and have sent email reconfirmed my booking a week before arrival. When I arrived Zagred Airport to pick up the car, they informed me that they do not have automatic transmission van. 2. I requested to pick up car at 7.30 am due to my arrival time is 6.30 am. They replied early pick up is possible with extra 25 Euro charges. I agreed with the extra charge but the counter end up open at 8.15 am. Lousy service! 3. They quote you in Euro but final bill will be charged at Crotian Kuna and the exchange rate is very high, end up your bill will be increased few hundred euro due to the currency conversion rate that using by them is very high. I don't understand why they don't quote using Kuna when customer request for quotation. 4. They were unable to provide Automatic Transmission Car as I booked. Hence, I bought full insurance due to I have not driving manual transmission car for many years. I have caused a very very minor scratch at rear bumper, they charged me 20 Euro for administration fee even though I have bought full insurance. 5. It is almost unable to find a parking when you return the car, you have to wait for their staff to come to meet you at car park area. If you are alone and in rush, you may be at risk to catch your flight. I saw other car rental company have plenty of car parks reserved for their customer and have many staff stand by at car park area but not Hertz.

  • Gaspar Stantic

    Gaspar Stantic


  • Dusko Dado Misljencevic

    Dusko Dado Misljencevic


    Terrible rental car experience. DO NOT USE HERTZ ZAGREB! 1) car was dirty - chocolate smudges all over the passenger seat 2) car was not serviced - check tire pressure light was on as soon as I received the car 3) impossible to get hold of Hertz Croatia! It is simply impossible to reach them by phone on any number that I have tried (over a period of 3 hours). Had there been an accident I would be stranded. I have taken the car out for a week but will be returning it tomorrow and demanding a full refund for this terrible experience!!!

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