Hotel Pleso -

HorvátországHotel Pleso


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7A, Mikulčićeva ulica, 10410, Velika Gorica, Općina Velika Gorica, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 6253 600
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.7299905, Longitude: 16.0643962

hozzászólások 5

  • Gyula Tuli

    Gyula Tuli


    The hotel itself is 3 star but is rather 2. Basic furniture, dirty walls. Very poor soundproofing, you can hear not only the planes and cars from outside but also everything from the neighbor room. Small portion (5ml) of shower gel.

  • Tamsin Fuller

    Tamsin Fuller


    Despite advertising they had a restaurant they do not. The "swimming pool" is no bigger than a double bed and had a film of oil and grime. The lighting in hall ways is poor. We waited 10 minutes before anyone appeared at the front desk, despite ringing the bell. The room was musty with a lot of marks on the walls from damp/condensation and leaks. The shower was grimy, with the fittings coming off the wall. There was also very little lighting in the bathroom. Power sockets were lacking. The lock on the door was a tad dodgy, it looked like it had been broken more than once and had been nailed back into place. In room facilities were sparse, no drinks except the tap and the TV had about 2 channels available. The staff were pleasant when they were there, its close to the airport and had a free shuttle to it. I wouldn't be staying here again and if it had been more than one night I would have cancelled and gone elsewhere.

  • en

    Hasnain Raza


    hotel has a pool but cold water in winter, has a wellness but sauna is not working.. there is a big tub in the bathroom but they give you one small pack of shower gel which is not even enough for shower... worst experience... no worth against money

  • en

    Blud bath


    Very nice place located close to the airport. The hotel offers a free shuttle service to the airport, and a free drink to their patrons, with a choice of a café, tea, or schnapps. There's free WiFi, free parking, and the breakfast is delightful (meats, cheeses, scrambled eggs, toast, cereal, coffee, yogurt, etc). They also have a spa, but it didn't appear open when I stayed there. The staff were very pleasant, and the receptionist also doubles as the bartender (small bar, but decent prices for the beer). Great experience. I would highly recommend.

  • en

    Bee Gonen


    I had arrived in Zagreb with my previous accommodation falling through due to poor communication, it being shut when I arrived due to a delayed flight. At 1am in the morning I was without a place to sleep. Worried and nervous I gave a call to Hotel Pleso and explained my situation. Immediately the woman who was on that shift helped me and sorted out a room for me for such a good price for a last minute place also. When I arrived she made me feel so comfortable and organised a free shuttle for me in the morning at 5am for my next flight and it was so close to the airport. Though the rooms are nothing special I was more than comfortable with the cleanliness and air-conditioning it had. The shower had good water pressure also. I cannot express how lovely the lady was at the desk, who was so eager to help me that I cannot recommend a stay at Hotel Pleso enough. She truly went out of her way— thank you.

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