Hotel Zagreb a Dubrovnik

CroaziaHotel Zagreb


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🕗 orari di apertura

5, Šetalište kralja Zvonimira, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 20 438 930
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Latitude: 42.656216, Longitude: 18.075444

commenti 5

  • en

    Daniel Valentino


    We decided to check out this place for dinner as everywhere else was particularly busy due to the football. What attracted us to it (me and girlfriend) was the lovely setting on the outside. Unfortunately the food did not match. The rump steak ordered, was quite possibly one of the worst I've ever experienced. Burnt, no seasoning, chewy to the point it hurt to eat, and no accompanying sauce. Service was average too. My recommendation is to approach with caution for dinner, and don't be fooled by the nice setting.

  • en

    michelle kelleher


    Nice area of Dubrovnik. Hotel is visually very pretty on the outside, gardens are well kept and seating is provided outdoors . There walkway next to it with a lot of bars/restaurants etc along it, and it was within walking distance to the beach. Parking was provided by the hotel. Room itself was quite small and decor a bit old fashioned, but we had our own (very large) private balcony with a seating area and sun lounger which was a big plus. Staff were friendly and helpful. 😊

  • Hans Jung

    Hans Jung


    Ein entzückendes kleines Hotel das in der touristischen Zone liegt. Restaurants, Shopping und die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Dubrovnik sind zu Fuß zu erreichen. Guter Service, freundliche und kompetente Mitarbeiter. Tolles Frühstück. Die Zimmer sind komfortabel eingerichtet. Das Hotel selbst strahlt einen ungewöhnlichen Charm aus.

  • de

    Bruno wenk


    schöne Stadt

  • Nadine Neubert

    Nadine Neubert


    Bedingungen war sehr unfreundlich, ständig sind einem streunende Katzen um die Beine gelaufen. Die Portionen waren übersichtlich und nicht so lecker wie in anderen Lokalen in der Nähe.

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