Karaka pirat a Zagreb

CroaziaKaraka pirat



🕗 orari di apertura

12, Ulica Andrije Hebranga, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 4817 150
sito web: www.karaka.hr
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.8092832, Longitude: 15.9758707

commenti 5

  • Juraj Šutalo

    Juraj Šutalo


    Pirate theme (epic ambient), mexican food that is really good (though cant recomend ribs), friendly staff.

  • Lerico Zanko

    Lerico Zanko


    Best Mexican food in Zagreb. Staff is very polite. The interior is great. Price is a little bit too high and so is the waiting time. But definitely worth it.

  • Branka Gretić

    Branka Gretić


    Staff is helpful. Informal atmosphere and good music give a sense of pleasure. I like dark Budweiser.

  • en

    megan binkley


    Dined here on a Friday night - as Americans living in Europe, we couldn't resist trying the closest thing we've had to cheap Mexican food in months. We had the entire place to ourselves so that was nice but weird... we both got the chimichanga de pollo and it really hit the spot! Overall, food was decent and cheap. Definitely met our expectations and the pirate theme added some laughter to the overall experience.

  • Vashti Rose

    Vashti Rose


    This place is quite fun as a one time stop off to eat. Its downstairs so you can't see outside but the decor makes it quite immersive as it's supposed to feel like you're inside a pirate ship. The menu and drinks are very basic but the service was quick. We were the only people in the restaurant but the food we originally ordered wasn't possible as they didn't have the ingredients! Fun for kids, comical for adults.

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