Korkyra Tour a Pula

CroaziaKorkyra Tour



🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
1, Riva, 52100, Pula, Općina Pula, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 99 641 4605
sito web: korkyratour.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.87262, Longitude: 13.845466

commenti 5

  • Courtney Moon

    Courtney Moon


    Boat Excursion... The boat tour was a great tour until it came to the dining portion of the tour. The guide instructor specifically stated not to feed the birds, the guest on the tour did so against the tour guides wishes, birds were flocking to the boat, striping tables and dinner plates and not all of the guests were finished eating on the top deck as birds were swirming the upper deck and the tour staff did nothing to regain control or stop the guests. I removed myself from the upper deck due to this reason alone. I would not suggest this tour unless you are okay with this occurring. Aside from this, the food tasted great and drinks were unlimited.

  • Tanja



    Wir haben im August 2017 bei der Bootstour teilgenommen und es hat uns supergut gefallen. Nebenbei haben wir noch einiges interessantes zu Pula und der Gegend erfahren. Das Highlight waren natürlich die Delphine. Das werden wir nie vergessen!




    Za 30-35 eura prekrasan izlet oko NP Brijuna

  • en

    Craig Price


    I booked online. 2 weeks before going to Croatia . I purposely paid for an extra night in hotel in this city just for this boat trip I had an email at 9am the morning of the trip to say weather is ok and were good to go. I arrived on time and was told there not going out. Purely because there was not enough people I expect. They should not have online reservation system if they just refuse you on the day. I did however use another excursion company that were 30 second walk from them and they were happy to take me and just one other person .

  • it

    Andrea Pristerà


    Con 30 euro circa vi godrete sicuramente un' esperienza divertente! Il traghetto, dotato di bagni facilmente accessibili e di un' equipaggio alla mano e cordiale, vi trasporterà sull' isola di jerolim e una guida multilingue vi racconterà la storia di ogni edificio ancora in piedi lungo il tragitto. Non appena scenderete sull' Isola vi verranno chiesti ulteriori 6 euro (NON dalla compagnia traghettatrice) per l'ingresso al parco naturale. L'isola si può, nell'arco delle 2.30 ore di tempo libero, girare tutta e ne vale davvero la pena! Ah mi stavo dimenticando! Il pesce "offerto" a bordo insieme al contorno di insalata è buonissimo e sazia pienamente!

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