LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics -

HorvátországLUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics



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Petrinjska 4, MB.117 3375, Zagreb, Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 4810 549
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.811975, Longitude: 15.979126

hozzászólások 5

  • Kimberly Kephart

    Kimberly Kephart


    I love lush and we don't have it in Poland at all, so when I go to other cities in EU-- I look for it. We had just come in from the Coast of Croatia and we were sunburnt-- I wanted a high-quality moisturizer and I saw lush on the way to the old town. We stopped in and I feel so bad but I cannot remember the woman's name who helped us, she was simply phenomenal! She sat me down showed me some products-- I let her know I loved Lush and she set me up with an SPF, Dream Cream and Bunny Moon. My husband put some Dream cream on his legs and instantly felt the relief from the sunburn. She talked to us for awhile and it was more than just about the products, she sincerely made us feel welcome! Great customer service here, wide knowledge of the products-- it made me miss living in the US where I could easily access these products! BTW-- our sunburns were completely soothed! Thanks Lush for making eco friendly products with AWESOME ingredients and training your staff like you do!

  • Nataša Štrangar

    Nataša Štrangar


    Definitely my favourite brand! High quality products and very nice and helpful staff.

  • en

    Lea Andreis


    Great place to get very good natural cosmetic products that are not tested on animals

  • ozana ozzy

    ozana ozzy


    All fresh from Lush

  • Faith Hundtoft

    Faith Hundtoft


    Really friendly and helpful staff! I was helped by Monika and she gave me a consultation since it was my first time there. She gave me some suggestions for a face wash routine and tested several products on me so I could see what suited me best. She never pressured me to buy anything and was overall just a lovely person. I wished I could have bought something from her but she did give me some samples to test out the product at home. Thanks again Monika

legközelebbi Bolt

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