M·A·C·K Car Rental -

HorvátországM·A·C·K Car Rental



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5, Ulica Frana Supila, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 98 422 192
weboldal: rent-a-car.hr
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.6419747, Longitude: 18.1147458

hozzászólások 5

  • fr

    Jeremy Mondo


    Nous avons perdu notre demi journée sur Dubrovnik pour une location de voiture Cette agence n’est pas la seule en cause, cependant, à notre arrivée la femme qui nous à reçu n’était n’était pas du tout commerciale, elle à commencé à nous parler puis d’un coup est sortie téléphoner Ensuite un homme s’est occupé de nous et cette partie s’est mieux déroulée Cependant, il nous a promis une voiture pour 10h30 (il était 10h) et la voiture n’est pas arrivée avant 11h15 Nous avons donc perdu du temps et cela a vraiment ruiné tout le reste de notre journée, d’autant plus que nous n’avons pas eu de réduction suite au retard, d'où le 1 (j’aurai pu mettre 2 mais la dame m’a vraiment déçu)

  • en

    marko erdelez


    Absolutely great service! Helpful staff and i even get a free upgrade for the car! Thank you M.A.C.K. for making my holiday fun and unforgetable!!

  • en

    H Lee


    Hire a Volkswagen Golf withem for 2 days. The guy who delivery the car with multiple minor damage which you need to very careful with these issue. As a customer you need to inspect every bits of damage or you will get charge at the end of day. Even I paid £20 xtra insurance which a small print said you need to report to police in order to valid. Come on , me even don’t realise there’s a a small mark at the bottom of the door skirting. He said he will offer 70% off the repair cost then end up £100 more. I suspect this is a trick to make u pay more. Basically the car in poor appearance. Not good at all.

  • en

    Tristan Wang


    Everything goes smoothly during the entire process as well as all details are clearly addressed. The service office is right next to the main square, which can be very handy. Most importantly, the manager provides fantastic service with her thoughtful assistance and also professional attitude. It is recommended very much when you are in Croatia.

  • Mohamed Seif

    Mohamed Seif


    A great place to deal with. Very helpful, prices are very reasonable, and great service. Better contact them directly before the trip, or in the airport, or in Zagreb downtown. They also have offices everywhere to deliver your car to. 100% go for it

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