Meridijan16 -



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🕗 Nyitva tartás

241, Ulica grada Vukovara, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 6065 200
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8013112, Longitude: 15.9960837

hozzászólások 5

  • Sheki Treki

    Sheki Treki


    A very nice and inexpensive hotel near the city centre

  • en

    Ayman Abdel Fattah


    It is more of a motel with old rooms and very poor facilities. The only good that could compensate that is the service as the staff are friendly and do all what they can to ease your stay. It is located in the financial distract and close to the main bus station with easy access to public transportation to reach the city center.

  • Sanda Vlasic

    Sanda Vlasic


    Lovely small hotel close to the bus terminal

  • en

    Marina Matulj


    My sister, my dad and I stayed in this hotel for a night in between traveling. There was such a BED BUG problem that we ended up leaving the hotel at about 2:30 am. Our room had 3 separate twin size beds and all 3 beds had bed bugs. They fed on us like leeches in no time at all. My sister had dozens of bites all over her, causing painful soccer ball size welts. (I guess she had an allergic reaction?) We weren't even there one full night yet still ended up paying full price - no discount was offered. We had no problem paying in hopes that they would take our complaint seriously and address the issue, however a discount definitely should have been offered. When we told the receptionist, he claimed he had never heard of any other complaints of bed bugs, but there was such an infestation and many of the bed bugs were so large/full grown/adult size that I would find that hard to believe. I understand things like this happen but there was absolutely no remorse from the hotel whatsoever, nor did they try and work with us in any way shape or form. This hotel was supposed to be a place to get some rest in between an extended travel, however only ended up causing more hassle and exhaustion. We stayed at this hotel for one night about a year ago as well with no problems or complaints (I think it was even the same room) but we unfortunately did not have the same luck this time around. Proceed with caution.

  • en



    This small hotel is only ten minutes away from the Main Station (Glavni Kolodvor Zagreb), it is classy and cozy, staff is very kind, rooms are clean, only we would like to add that the air conditioner didn't work well so I guess they should check the room equipments more often. But with the very acceptable price and great location, kind reception, it quickly became our favorite place to sleep over.

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