Mirogoj Cemetery a Zagreb

CroaziaMirogoj Cemetery



🕗 orari di apertura

27, Aleja Hermanna Bollea, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 4696 700
sito web: www.gradskagroblja.hr
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.8357181, Longitude: 15.9842546

commenti 5

  • Vladimir Sterle

    Vladimir Sterle


    This may sound a bit weird, but Mirogoj is one of the most beautiful cemetaries I've seen in Europe. The combination of the wonderful archades, where many of the Croatian greats are burried, the nature and the art in the form of old sculptures and interesting tombstones make it one of the most interesting places in the city. Seriously, if you find yourself in Zagreb, don't miss the Mirogoj cemetary!

  • Bellybutton Man

    Bellybutton Man


    Monumental Zagreb graveyard where a lot of croatian greates have been buried. Clean, peaceful and beutiful. Outside you see mysterious domes guarding the entrance, but inside they turn into beautiful cascades decorating the resting places of many important historical personas. Definetly a recommendation for a peaceful spiritual stroll.

  • Scabbage



    Nice old fasion design.

  • en

    Lukas Mortier


    Even though it is always a slightly macabre thing to say about a cemetery, this is a beautiful place with lots of history.

  • en

    Stefanos Keramidas


    I wouldn't say I was impressed. Maybe I missed something but besides the nice entrance building and the beautiful nature its an ordinary cemetery. I am sure there are some interesting sculpture but I guess you have to search for it. Winter is not ideal for visiting plus you have to a bus up there if not into trekking!

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