Mushroom Museum a Zagreb

CroaziaMushroom Museum



🕗 orari di apertura

2, Splavnica ulica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 1 6383 420
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.8135409, Longitude: 15.9765103

commenti 5

  • Rostyslav Bilyy

    Rostyslav Bilyy


    Great collection of mushrooms, probably the biggest in the world!

  • en



    It might be hard to find for people who don't know exactly where the entrance is. It's between the Dolac market and the Count Jelačić square on the left side after you pass the Addiko bank and head towards the market. When you enter either use the elevator or go two stories up and ring the bell. The museum itself boasts a huge collection of mushrooms marked if they are edible, inedible, have no nutritional value or are poisonous or even lethal. Note that the vast majority of the mushrooms are from somewhere in Croatia, with some being donated from people who travelled to China and Russia and some other countries,but as said, most (99,8%) are from somewhere from Croatia.

  • Helena Shek-B.

    Helena Shek-B.


    A little small museum in heart of Zagreb with a whole variety of shrooms :D Professionals work in it and can explain you everything you want to know.




    This place is great! Definitely worth more than the 20kn ticket price. We spent almost an hour there- just gazing at all the mushrooms (there aren't many signs or explations to read- the mushrooms themselves are the main display). The staff is very helpful- they spoke English and answered our questions about the collection, the freeze-drying process, the museum's founder/chief scientist, etc. I would highly recommend this museum.

  • Yen Shu Liao

    Yen Shu Liao


    Great collection of mushrooms. The most interesting part is seeing them in person and their actual size. I know most of the mushrooms there from seeing them around online, but somehow seeing them there is just different from seeing them on Google Images. The professor is sometimes in the museum as well, and if he's not busy, you can ask him about the mushrooms to learn more.

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