Opera Club -

HorvátországOpera Club


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

4, Petrinjska ulica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Chorwacja
érintkezés telefon: +385 97 667 6666
weboldal: m.facebook.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8119909, Longitude: 15.9791306

hozzászólások 5

  • Asja Agram

    Asja Agram


    So my friends had a table reserved that night in Opera and they invited us to join them, later in the night we did. After they left to grab something to eat and we stayed at the table a half an hour later the waitor came by and took everything of the table even tho there were a lot of drinks left and i told him that we came afterwards so that’s why he didn’t see us when he brought the drinks before. He kept saying over and over again no you weren’t here this isn’t yours and I put my hand on the bucket so he would stop and listen to me and I said the name of the reservation the table was put on and he grabed me so hard not once but twice and pushed me that my hand still hurts the day after. I watched him as he carried the drinks away and he poured everything down the sink in a matter of seconds. After that I tried to complain at the bar and the only response was that’s not my problem solve it with that waitor. And ofcourse the experience from the time before last I went to Opera but forgave them, you know, fool me once.. I was waiting at the bar for half an hour, sometime in the middle I ordered a drink and the waitress totally ignored me even tho she heard me and served hot guys that were coming to the bar and after half an hour I wave and ask her to please bring me my drink and she says you have to wait for your turn and I said to her I ordered 15 minutes ago and have been standing there for half an hour and she told me well you’re not getting your drink here and went to make fun of me with her coworkers..

  • Ante Putnik

    Ante Putnik


    Mali prostor,osoblje neljubazno i neprofesionalno svi su zivcani,zagusljivo...jako lose

  • Viktor Maljevac

    Viktor Maljevac


    Ekstra provod samo malo pre zgusnuto

  • Ana Radošević

    Ana Radošević


    Previše ljudi, neljubazno osoblje, dosadna playlista i atmosfera.

  • Lovro Kolanović

    Lovro Kolanović


    Upscale place. Nice music. I especially enjoy on Friday when they play hip hop and trap. One of best clubs in Zagreb!

legközelebbi Szórakozóhely

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