Taverna Otto -

HorvátországTaverna Otto



🕗 Nyitva tartás

8, Ulica Nikole Tesle, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 20 358 633
weboldal: www.tavernaotto.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.653152, Longitude: 18.085789

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Sana Merrachi


    This is a great place for both lunch and dinner. If you wan to escape the crows from the Old Town in Dubrovnik and have a quite and delicious meal this is the place for you. The food is really good; I personally recommend the Tuna steak, it's excellent. The owner is super friendly and will make sure you have a great dining experience. I did not try the dessert, but I can tell you that the coffee was also great!

  • Esther Momcilovic

    Esther Momcilovic


    One of the best steaks I've ever had. The chimichurri that came with it was great and there was a decent portion of chips

  • Laura Searson

    Laura Searson


    Absolutely magnificent food! The lamb ragou with homemade pasta is to die for! My mother said her sea bass fish fillet was the best fish she has ever eaten! No vegetarian options though.

  • Ale Yomal

    Ale Yomal


    Great food and very nice atmosphere. We had fish which was very well prepared with an assortment of vegetables. The service is also very good. Not inexpensive but a good option for a special occasion.

  • en

    John Luong


    Cozy atmosphere, fish fillet was good, but the risotto rice seem somewhat uncook since it was not as soft to chew. Waiter did not ask us how was the food or experience at the end of our meal. So I took away 2 star for food and service.

legközelebbi Étterem

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