The Gaffe a Dubrovnik

CroaziaThe Gaffe



🕗 orari di apertura

4, Ulica Miha Pracata, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 20 640 152
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.6410518, Longitude: 18.1091823

commenti 5

  • Rob Bennison

    Rob Bennison


    Good Bar, great for sports, food basic but well priced for location and I would call it good pub food. Drinks well priced for location and staff are very friendly

  • Marshall Whitehouse

    Marshall Whitehouse


    Pretty standard Irish pub. Quite a few screens for sport both in the main bar and the outer area. Bathrooms were small but fine. Prices were reasonable and staff were friendly even when it was very busy for world cup games.

  • Ken Lönnström

    Ken Lönnström


    Good place to catch sports! Went here last night for the game between Kroatia and Denmark! What an evening - wow! Service was okay. Had the burger and it was quite tasty. Can recommend this place. Normal prices for being Dubrovnik.

  • Steven Gooden

    Steven Gooden


    Watched the football here, good atmosphere and loads of selection of drinks. Food was really good and reasonably priced. Good fun! I left my phone here and they picked it up and kept behind the bar. Get there early if wanting to watch the football!

  • en



    We were here during the World Cup and the place is well set up to watch any sports games! Lots of tvs and good beer! Can get very packed so come early! Didn't try the food but it smelt delicious!

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