Touch of Thai Spa & Massage -

HorvátországTouch of Thai Spa & Massage



🕗 Nyitva tartás

2, Obala Stjepana Radića, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 95 382 9939
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 42.6535286, Longitude: 18.0886193

hozzászólások 5

  • Steve M

    Steve M


    Excellent massage but got bitten to death by mosquitoes inside. Wear jungle formula on entry!

  • jen walsh

    jen walsh


    My Mom and I got the 90 minute Royal Thai massage and it was wonderful. It had a mix of stretching, massage, pressure points, etc. We left 100% happy. Super great staff constantly making sure we were comfortable and asking if they could focus on certain areas. Highly recommend. : )

  • en

    Silver Fox


    I've got introduced to this salon last year when I got one hour massage as a birthday present. Since then I've been pretty much a regular customer when I'm at home :) perfect pressure, one of best massages in town and I'm really not making this up. You see, normal massage in Dubrovnik is 50 to 75 minutes and in most of hotels it is really performed with questionable results at best. Example, I come to a hotel and say okay I want one hour medium pressure relaxing full body massage. After making appointment like I'm going for surgery it is time for massage and off she goes, finds a knot on my back and goes full blast chiropractic on me with her elbow for half an hour in exact same spot even after I repeatedly request her to please stop this is not relaxing at all. In Touch of Thai you will have no such issues. Massages are 60 or 90 minutes, pressure is exactly same throughout the session, relaxing means relaxing. Only setback I could think of is space - since it can be chilly a bit in the winter months... but that is Dubrovnik real estate market for you.

  • en

    Alfonso Perez


    Great ladies that gave us an awesome relaxing couples massage. All those steps in old town were exhausting on our body and especially our feet. We popped in but they like appointments. They soaked our feet which helped immediately. This location is not in old town so they were reasonably priced. We went back for a full body massage the next day. Thanks to the owner and staff.

  • Kalle Berglund

    Kalle Berglund


    Great massage at a reasonable price! Very professional staff and a nice atmosphere. The only disturbance being loud Americans entering the place.

legközelebbi Gyógyfürdő

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