Vegehop -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

79, Vlaška ulica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croacia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 4649 400
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8142341, Longitude: 15.9878382

hozzászólások 5

  • Marko Ćustić

    Marko Ćustić


    This is just good food at a decent price, made daily for a grateful vegetarian crowd. The deal is you get a daily soup, main and salad at a fixed price every day. There are also interesting a la carte dishes, as well as superb daily desserts. Vegehop proves vegan food doesn’t have to be bland or unimaginative. There is always a little twist, a spicy note coming through, a bit of texture, to make things on the plate interesting. Beware - some of the dishes on the menu are not vegan, but just a couple of them. This restaurant doesn’t serve alcohol. Expect to pay around 10€ for the daily menu and dessert.

  • en



    Really good portion sizes and the food tastes great. Unfortunately when we ate there they did not have everything on the menu we wanted, but waitress was very friendly and helpful in suggesting other options. And we got some free kale chips too :)

  • Aneta Smolik

    Aneta Smolik


    I enjoyed my visit! I had a daily menu with a fresh apple juice, the food was tasty and their portions are generous. The only thing is that my salad was a bit unfresh but I was too full to eat more anyway. Staff was nice and prices inexpensive. I recommend you trying!

  • Peter Howes

    Peter Howes


    Small dining area for under 20 people. Really laid out well, plain decor but very neat and pleasing to the eye. Great service and good timing - our meals came out of the kitchen in about 5 minutes. The menu was very comprehensive with a large selection..... and no alcohol. The location was hard to find, but using Google maps sorted it out in no time. Our meal was very tasty, I really enjoyed it. Definitely would go back there again.

  • MariaTheGothic



    Me encantó la comida y el servicio. Recomendado

legközelebbi Étterem

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