Villa Rosa Apartments i Dubrovnik

KroatienVilla Rosa Apartments



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33, Ulica Svetog Križa, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Chorwacja
kontakter telefon: +385 99 526 3114
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.658982, Longitude: 18.089057

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alex Montarigo


    This Villa is located in Dubrovnik which is my favourite city in Croatia. We booked this Villa and we were pleasantly surprised by everything. We are not afraid to admit that everything was even above our . expectations. Villa is near the beach and the old town which we thought it's amazing. Accommodation was perfect for us, employees there have acted very professional and they have helped us with everything we asked for. Everything that you need is nearby, so I guess that won't be a problem like it wasn't for us. That was a big plus for us. We enjoyed Dubrovnik and its beauty and would like to come again in the near future. That would be fun. But, I recommend this to everyone. It's really good.

  • en

    Victoria Sky


    Very nice decorated hotel. I was just enjoying there. Inside apartmant is cosy living room with air conditioner, which I loved ittt. Its a place with everything you need for a comfortable stay and more. It was above my expectations. It is only about 15 minutes away from the Dubrovnik so it is not a lot of walking. The views are incredible and you just have to see it by yourself. I highly recommend this.

  • Ivana 112233

    Ivana 112233


    I loved it. Everything was above my expectations. I was pleasantly surprised because it was even better than I imagined. People were very nice, helpful and kind. I've met a lot of great people. I liked every second of it. I recommend!!!

  • en

    Irina Falkoni


    I highly recommend this apartment, modern, comfortable and sunny most of the day, located in a nice neighbourhood, close to the old town, next to the boats used to get to the islands, very good value.

  • Michael Lederer

    Michael Lederer


    Spent here five days while in Dubrovnik. The nicest thing is walking from the villa to the old town, around 20 minutes along the coastline, enjoyed it every time. One of the best areas in Croatia.

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