Zagreb ZOO -

HorvátországZagreb ZOO



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Maksimirski perivoj, 10000, Zagreb, HR Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 1 2302 198
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8218287, Longitude: 16.0195037

hozzászólások 5

  • Vanja Turk

    Vanja Turk


    Spent 5 hours there, havenr even noticed. Relaxing, lots of beautiful animals, a lot of walking to do. Really pleasant place. Also a great restaurant with very good and affordable food.

  • Anna Morgana Alabau

    Anna Morgana Alabau


    I'm usually not a fan of zoos but I'd come back to this one any day of the week! Located in the oldest park of the city, it's the perfect spot for a whole day out. But if you love animals, don't think you'll be able to visit in less than 3-4h, cause that won't happen! We thought it'd be quite a modest zoo, considering the entry ticket costs less than £4, but oh boy were we wrong! The place is a lot bigger than either of us imagined. The animals are grouped together by area (not by species) in large enclosures and some of them (birds) are free to fly around the place as they please. I really liked the fact that different species of animals are let to cohabit as they'd do in nature, that there are public feeding times where visitors can see what animals eat, and that there are constant reminders asking for respect to animals, especially when there is young offspring around. Another thing that I find worthy of mention is the fact that there are human cages where visitors can go in and stay for a while, so to raise awareness about the reality of zoos and the animals within. Totally worth a visit, for sure!

  • Marija Brezak

    Marija Brezak


    Great place to see all kinds of animals. They are well cared for. There are no more elephants or giraffes but you can see all kinds of exotic animals. There is a house with reptiles and snakes as well as the frogs and fishes house and much more. It's a great place to bring kids to teach them all kinds of fun facts about animals. The zoo is wheelchair accessible (except some houses but you won't miss much). There is a bistro and caffe-bar, as well as the souvenir shop and toilets. Prices are acceptable, you can get a discount on Mondays. You cannot feed animals but you can buy some food for ducks and feed them. You can buy the ticket till 19h (7pm) and the zoo is open until 20h (8pm).

  • Petra Jurkovic

    Petra Jurkovic


    They really improved some of the animal habitats, but some are still small and sad to look at. I hope they will also get better. The space is nice, the price of the ticket is okay. The best part was the feeding time,you can learn a lot from the zoo keepers stories.

  • Dory Cubana

    Dory Cubana


    Opened in 1925, newly redone, there ere only few star animals, but the ones in there are in great shape. There is a lot of entertainment and educational stuff for kids. Benches are all designer works. 10 minutes from the main square by tram, located within the city park, it's so shady and cooling in the summer months. You'll need an hour and a half to see it all. There's a snack bar on site.

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