Željeznička stanica Zadar a Zadar

CroaziaŽeljeznička stanica Zadar


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🕗 orari di apertura

23000, Zadar, Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 44.1065472, Longitude: 15.2421411

commenti 5

  • Tomáš Tetrix

    Tomáš Tetrix


    The railway station is currently closed and the only connection to Knin is operated by busses instead, even if written in train timetable. Busses are going from bus station next to raiway station. However the ticket desk and waiting room and some offices in railway station is still opened. The largest building still seen on streetview was modernised and now there is McD fastfood and Spar supermarket. Last official news found online (but still some years old) say that they started rebuilding this old track to modern one with operational speed up to 120km/h. This should be the first such railway modernisation in region. Rumors heard in the city contrary to this said that there are (or were) only cargo trains operating (railways near platforms are rusted though) and that during reconstruction there was found undermined tunnel by Serbians and so that rebuilding was too difficult and the project was unfortunatelly abandoned or at least stopped. One can only guess if this was real or an urban story. Please add some newer information if you can read in Croatian. It will be very welcomed by the rail community :)

  • Ivica Milicevic Audiobooks

    Ivica Milicevic Audiobooks


    može i bolje

  • en

    Tony Shield


    Croatia Railways website says that those three departures to Knin are buses which connect at Knin with Split - Zagreb trains. The 20:34 connects to the sleeper service.

  • Artyom Boyarov

    Artyom Boyarov


    Very dirty 5 platforms, only two have tracks No proper timetables, even on google. The timetable is: 7:35 Knin 14:35 Knin 20:35 Knin

  • Andreína González

    Andreína González


    There are helpful staff at the information desk. However the station is dirty. There are no boards or accurate schedules. There is free WiFi, toilets, ATM and there are some cafes and bars.

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