Adriatic Kayak Tours i Dubrovnik

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KroatienAdriatic Kayak Tours



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6, Ulica Zrinsko Frankopanska, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
kontakter telefon: +385 20 312 770
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.643376, Longitude: 18.105884

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Laurence M


    cavtat...aucun interet!

  • Alex Glasspool

    Alex Glasspool


    Best holiday ever! My boyfriend booked this as a birthday surprise and it was amazing. The guides were fantastic, we opted for the 5 day tour. After 3 days our group went down to 4, and we made some great friends along the way. Highly recommend. Highlight had to be swimming into the water cave and jumping off cliffs into the clear blue water.

  • Adam Friedman

    Adam Friedman


    These guys were great! The guides were so enjoyable, the kayaks were great, and the views were fantastic!

  • en

    Rebecca Price


    Absolutely wonderful kayak experience! We had an awesome time kayaking with our instructor and also got a great beach recommendation from the owner. The route we took was beautiful. We highly recommend Adriatic Kayak Tours!

  • Tom Britton

    Tom Britton


    Did this 3 years ago and still stands as the best holiday i have done in my life. It was a present for my partner and we both loved it, made great friends and can now kayak like pros. The instructors are awesome and i highly recommend going for the 5 days rather than 3. The group get smaller and the trips are ten times more epic!

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