Avax Rent a car Zagreb -

HorvátországAvax Rent a car Zagreb



🕗 Nyitva tartás

25, Ulica kneza Branimira, 10000, Zagreb, HR Kroatien
érintkezés telefon: +385 95 153 9493
weboldal: avaxrent.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8056095, Longitude: 15.9836889

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    rohan jain


    I had a great experience with Avax Car Rentals. They have no hidden charges and everything is clearly laid out and mentioned on the rental contract. The entire process of renting and returning the car was very smooth. The Zagreb manager, Zoran, was very cordial. They were very flexible in accommodating our special request. The car was new and in good condition. Strongly recommended.

  • Hamza Mourtadi

    Hamza Mourtadi


    A really nice rent company , the car was comfortable very economical , am ideal choice for those who want to travel around Croatia and the surrounding countries, I highly recommend

  • en

    Sanela Vukušić


    Excellent service. Friendly staff. Highly reccomended.

  • Alex Zamer

    Alex Zamer


    Warning!!! These people at Avax car rental are crooks. They give you a good rate to get your booking and when you return your car back they will add damage charges for another two-three hundred Euros. In my case it was a tiny paint chip (less then 1mm in size) on a rear bumper. I assume that this is the regular business procedure for them, because when Zoran inspected the car twice looking for bigger scratches and found nothing, then he went back to the spot that he knew was already there. I have been traveling for over 20 years renting cars all over the world and have never seen anything like this, unbelievable... I would recommend to stay away from this fraudulent business.

  • Mario Fajt

    Mario Fajt


    I have booked with Avaxrent rent a car two times in Croatia. Both rentals were ok. Everything as described on their web and also staff there at their office seems nice as i had to do some changes. Did it over the phone and the lady there was very helpfull. All in all seem good. I was a little bit sceptical at first time as i did not know them. But now for me it is a company that is trust to. Hope you will have same experience.

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