NOVA car rental Zagreb -

HorvátországNOVA car rental Zagreb



🕗 Nyitva tartás

10000, Zagreb, Croatia
érintkezés telefon: +385 99 265 9082
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.807421, Longitude: 15.983936

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Vanja Šaša


    Fantastic! I've rented Nissan Pulsar for 5 days. The prices are, if not the best, then among the best on the market. And their service, prompt and just outstanding. The bets car rental I've used.

  • en



    Rent a car in Croatia, NOVA is a right choice. Really convenient, and staff is so nice! We got car class upgraded!

  • Karolina Motiejunaite

    Karolina Motiejunaite


    To find a car hire in Croatia, you'd think is easy. There are so many hidden charges on other car rental companies, that original price on offer can increase by 5 times. If you are on a budget, and cannot afford deposits of 3 times the rental price, look no further - Nova Car Rental is fair agency that has no hidden surprises. Every detail is on a website, you even have online chat, you can speak to someone to, before renting, if you are unsure of something. Unlike other agencies, they don't CHARGE your credit card, but just authorize the deposit + rental fee on your card at the beginning of the journey, unlike some other agencies I read about, so you don't get foreign exchange conversion loss if you not local. Pick up was smooth and easy. The car was quite new, we went around it prior to taking off to mark any scratches. Very happy with the rental. Will definitely use them again, when travelling around Croatia!

  • en

    Alex Smith


    This place was great. They go above and beyond for their customers. In particular, I was very impressed with Tomislav. He was very helpful and when I was about to leave after returning the car, he offered me a ride to the bus station as a car needed to be cleaned at the car wash. We then had a good conversation while on the way to the bus station and he dropped me right next to it 👍👍👍

  • Mia Materic

    Mia Materic


    Had a fine experience with Nova rent a car. We got an upgrade to both of our cars because they were out of the original ones we had rented. This was a nice surprise, All of the employees spoke English well and did an extremely thorough check of the car before and after. I've never had any rental agency (not even in Iceland where rocks are definitely hitting your car) check the vehicle so well. We didn't take any additional insurance, however, if you're not a good driver or if you are nervous, I would take the additional for $15/day. Some roads are narrow in Croatia and if you're going into Bosnia the roads are VERY narrow. No extra charge for going into Bosnia.

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