Beijing Duck i Zagreb

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KroatienBeijing Duck



🕗 åbningstider

78, Vlaška ulica, 10000, Zagreb, HR Kroatien
kontakter telefon: +385 98 226 966
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.813759, Longitude: 15.990299

kommentar 5

  • Sanja Cvijanovic

    Sanja Cvijanovic


    A cool little store with an interesting selection of Asian foods, condiments and spices. The prices are reasonable and the staff is friendly and helpful. You won't regret visiting!

  • hr

    Tanja Hors


    Odlična trgovina sa mnoštvom autentičnih i kvalitetnih artikala kako prehrambenih tako i neprehrambenih. Uz odličan izbor i mogućnost dostave, cijene su više nego prihvatljive. 5+

  • Slikards ToView360 Croatia

    Slikards ToView360 Croatia


    Great place for buying food products from different parts of the world. They have a big number of products from Asia and other parts of the world, such as Latin America. They keep improving the offer, so it's always good to check the new things they have. You can also chat a bit about oriental kitchen.

  • Tatjana Budinski

    Tatjana Budinski


    Cute, small shop with exotic products and spices. Employees know how to help the customer and give good advice.

  • en

    Tomislav Plese


    great selection of various very reasonably priced exotic spices and food!

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