Ribook knjižara - Superknjižara d.o.o. i Rijeka

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KroatienRibook knjižara - Superknjižara d.o.o.



🕗 åbningstider

9, Ulica Janeza Trdine, 51000, Rijeka, Općina Rijeka, HR Kroatien
kontakter telefon: +385 51 581 555
internet side: www.superknjizara.hr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.3262199, Longitude: 14.4439277

kommentar 5

  • Ema em

    Ema em


    Ugodno okruženje.

  • David Brčić

    David Brčić


    Nice and small bookshop located in the very centre of the old town (Stari grad) of Rijeka. The titles can be found in several languages. There is an interresting, specific selection of books, and audio and video materials. The store has two floors filled with books, with stairs which are connecting the floors also lying on book shelves. There is also a possibility for book purchase through online bookstore 'Superknjižara'. Very efficient.

  • Jadran Srdoc

    Jadran Srdoc


    Odlično,izbor knjiga,mogućnost nabavke naslova izvan Rijeke!Brzina isporuke!Upraba kompjutera!Uslužno i educirano osoblje....

  • milan miljkovic

    milan miljkovic


    oaza knjige u rijeci

  • Nadia Armstrong

    Nadia Armstrong


    Lovely bookshop in the old town, very helpful staff who speak English. There is a couch to sit and go through an excellent selection of Croatian and Istrian authors available also in English, which is a real treat if you'd like to get into some local literature. Particularly recommended are the brilliant Slavenka Drakulic and cult classic 'The Girl from Zagreb' by Branislav Glumac.

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