Copacabana Beach a Dubrovnik

CroaziaCopacabana Beach



🕗 orari di apertura

Ulica Ivana pl. Zajca, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 98 335 615
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.6638437, Longitude: 18.0647135

commenti 5

  • Marina Taskovic

    Marina Taskovic


    I think I love Copacabana Beach even more than I love Dubrovnik! I've been coming here every summer in past few years, because of the sandy beach, the service and food, and of course because of the perfect sunset! I highly recommend this beach to everyone going to Dubrovnik!

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    Michele Parle


    Copacabana Beach was within walking distance of our apartment, Villa Erna, just outside the city of Dubrovnik..Not the Copacabana of popularised film/music legend, but nonetheless a virtual oasis of freedom, fun and thrilling water-sports..The views and setting alone warrant a visit.Boat trips to neighbouring Islands can be arranged and booked from this wonderful vantage point. Definitely a " must see " if you are lucky enough to be enjoying the truly untold delights of Dubrovnik and the greater regions of Croatia/Serbia.

  • Sandy Campbell's Carousel

    Sandy Campbell's Carousel


    Nice beach, safe swimming, bar, sun loungers, parasols available. Service very slow, toilets absolutely disgusting. They constantly play music which is fine just a touch to loud. Overall a nice time spent there.

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    Nicole Turner


    We went as the deck chairs were being packed away so the crowds were dispersing. Pebble beach with costs to sit on chairs, use showers, hire cabanas etc. The water is beautiful and clear. Public beaches are more my preference.

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    This a pretty beach to spend a few hours at. There's fairly cheap parking available nearby, there's room to claim a spot on the rocky beach, and the water is clean and clear. Note that the prices for chairs, umbrellas, and beds are fairly high.

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