Restaurant Arka a Dubrownik

CroaziaRestaurant Arka


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20000, Dubrownik, Chorwacja
contatti telefono: +385
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.6506652, Longitude: 18.0944232

commenti 5

  • en

    Lara Jones


    I had heard Dubrovnik has many tourist trap restaurants and Arka is truely one of them. 80 kuna for an aperol spritz that was very weak and tasted only of wine and soda water. The grilled squid was fine but the seafood spaghetti was appalling, the octopus tasted like it was canned. No love or pride in the cooking and high prices.

  • Hugo França

    Hugo França


    The food was cold and the fish wasn't fresh.

  • en

    Raphael Gauthier


    The food was all good but they charged us for the bread without informing us that it cost anything. And the only other thing was the water - we asked for water for both us and the waitress brought us each a bottle of water which we had to pay for, as opposed to regular restaurants which just bring you tap water in glasses that you do not have to pay for.

  • bs

    Mino Djurbuzovic


    Odlicno mesto!! Za male pare,mnogo lepo i ukusno smo jeli u samom centru starog grada Dubrovnika! Osoblje ljubazno i friendly,cak smo dobili i pola litra gratis,jer smo ustanovili da su mom muzu baka i deka bili u istom restoranu,pre 35 godina!! Cikica sa sesirom kapetana je bas cooll tip i uveseljavao nas je celo vreme...Svaka cast...preporucujemo!!!

  • en

    Kim Howard


    I would never return here and do not recommend it to anyone. We ordered a bottle of wine that we have had before and knew we liked. The bottle came out pre-opened but with the cork back inside and tasted like someone replaced half of the contents with water. You could tell the wine was tampered with because there were no "legs" to it when you tilted the glass. We brought this up with the waitstaff and they said it was impossible but really there is no alternative because it was watered down that much. Food was okay but you could get the same elsewhere with less shady tactics.

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