Grand Villa Argentina a Dubrovnik

CroaziaGrand Villa Argentina



🕗 orari di apertura

14, Ulica Frana Supila, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Kroatien
contatti telefono: +385 20 300 300
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.640501, Longitude: 18.121272

commenti 5

  • en

    Mike Thompson


    Lovely hotel very close to the old city walls and has its own private swimming area in the sea as well as a small pool. Very friendly and attentive staff. Our bedroom overlooked the sea and Lokrum island. Restaurant has good views across to the old city. Great location.

  • Catalina Oana Tudor

    Catalina Oana Tudor


    We did not stay at this hotel, but our friends did and they had only good things to say about it. We had dinner at the restaurant. Service is great. Food is delicious. View is amazing. They had a TV set for watching the world cup. Very nice ambience. I highly recommend this place. The prices are on the expensive side, but it is worth it.

  • en

    Chuck Wood


    The hotel is very nice appointed. The back is landscape with many terraces, little gardens, and Scenic views all the way down see the ocean. Rooms are a bit small but serviceable and clean. Hotel restaurants we're very nice, with spectacular views, of the Adriatic Sea, the Old Town walls, and an island.




    Super hotel

  • en

    David Scott


    A very nice hotel with a great relaxed feeling. Lovely views and great position near the old town. We were here at the end of April all the bars at the hotel had opened, but the friendly staff were more than happy to bring drinks wherever we wanted to sit. Room we had was kept very well although some of the decor around the hotel is a little dated.

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