Hotel Excelsior a Dubrovnik

CroaziaHotel Excelsior



🕗 orari di apertura

12, Ulica Frana Supila, 20000, Dubrovnik, Općina Dubrovnik, HR Chorwacja
contatti telefono: +385 20 300 300
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 42.641038, Longitude: 18.118901

commenti 5

  • Christian Ryan

    Christian Ryan


    One of the best hotels in europe i've stayed at. Food, service, location we're incredible. The hotel offers dinner right on the water (we sat within 5 feet of water). They also have a private area to swim in the Adriatic sea.

  • Erdal Ugur

    Erdal Ugur


    Tosi hieno paikka mutta henkilökunta ei tiedä mitä asiakas tarkoittaa tai puhumattakaan asiakaspalvelusta.

  • Pieter Mulder

    Pieter Mulder


    The hotel is good, I am very happy with the location as there were several options on the table beforehand. It is definitely the more quiet, calm side of town and really close to the old town. We were in a deluxe double with balcony in the tower (not Villa Odak). I prefer the tower over Odak. The room is okay - not as spacious as any of the pictures will try to convince you. The shower is appalling - it is a hand shower with nothing to hold it in place over your head . There is no thermostat on the shower, so the temperature will swing between hot and cold all the time. The hotel wins on location in terms of the ones I was considering.

  • en

    Alyssa Thurston


    Amazing facilities, staff and location. While we were in the spa/swimming area we went outside and were able to wave down a glass bottom boat and the took us for a free ride! Such a beautiful place with the kindest people!

  • ja

    mitsuru goto


    時期的offシーズンなため、ホテルの周りで道路工事やってたりしますが、海側の部屋を予約すれば素敵な景色が見られます。窓が小さいのが、少しマイナスですが、部屋の広さも、充分に広くベッドも大きいので、ストレスなく休めます。 旧市街まで近く、ビーチもあるのでロケーション的にはかなりよい所です。 レストランもサービスよく、味もよいのでおすすめです。夏はもっとよい所だと思います。

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